Fresh off the heels of the Ocean Park Community Association's first board meeting of the year, it has been unanimously decided our membership will be taking a new direction - from 2018 onwards all Ocean Park Community Association events will be open to members only. What kind of events and activities are we hosting this year? Take a look!
Further to just our events, membership supports all of the board's activities - which includes maintaining and operating the Ocean Park Hall, special projects - like our Heritage Street Signs project that is currently in the works (more info to come soon) and the Village Christmas lights (more lights to come for 2018). Members also receive a monthly e-newsletter which highlights everything that is taking place in Ocean Park, from fun community events, to concerns and special projects, and 15% discount to rent the Ocean Park Hall. Membership is also required to sign up for the Youth Team, which provides Ocean Park youth aged between 12 - 18 valuable volunteer experiences in their community. It's not hard to see as an Ocean Park resident that there are many reasons why membership is valuable and important. To sign-up online click here, or you can drop a $25 cheque in the secure mailbox at the Hall (1577 128th Street). You will be issued a membership card upon receipt of payment and be added to our mailing list - but most importantly, you will be supporting your community association.
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The 5th Annual Family Day Amazing Race will take place on February 12th at 1pm. Tickets will go live on January 15th!
Within 24 hours our 5th Annual Winter Wonderland sold-out this year! It's a great feeling to know our community sees the value in coming together to celebrate the holiday season. To make sure you are in-the-know and have the first opportunity to RSVP for events like this, sign-up to become an Ocean Park Community Association member. We send out our monthly e-blast with all of our event info and more, prior to posting the information publicly. Be the first to know!
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